Anchoring and know-how

The MANAGER of Salaisons Bentz is a craftsman-engineer from a 4th generation of artisanal pork butchers in Lorraine. With the support of women and men who love their trade, an ancestral know-how is perpetuated. The recipes are developed in connection with the Lorraine region. Salaisons Bentz is also committed to local development, in particular through La Lorraine Notre Signature and Interporc Grand Est for the development of local products that are 100% from our region.

Today, at the head of the company, a fourth generation of artisan pork butchers perpetuates an ancestral know-how. Having become famous for our tasty cooked ham, we have used our experience to diversify our products. The recipes we have developed are linked to the Lorraine region. Proud and attached to our identity, we have produced the essential products of this gastronomy with products smoked in beech wood (bacon, kassler, sausage, loin, shoulder, etc.) or the famous fuseau lorrain. But not only that, we honour this heritage and its producers by integrating into our products new flavours such as wild garlic, bergamot, gris de Toul wine or mirabelle plum.
Committed to our region through our products, we are also committed collectively. Our current MANAGER, Jean-François ANTOINE, is the initiator of the creation of the local banner brand La Lorraine Notre Signature. This is a collective initiative to highlight the heritage of Lorraine, to promote the flavours, know-how and economy of the country while respecting a set of specifications. The products must be made in Lorraine and have a maximum of raw materials from this our country.

Invested in the economy of our region, since 1999 we have been developing a cooked ham that is 100% from our country. On our own initiative, we marketed the cooked ham from Lorraine. In 2006, the cooked hams was associated with and supervised by the Lorraine Qualité Viande sector, which has now become Grand Est Qualité Viandes. This unique product strengthens our local anchorage and makes us different, and we are currently the only ones to offer it on the market.
Our entire production is made by tens of peoples in the centre of Lorraine, near Nancy. We want you to discover the flavours of our region, to find out more about our products:
Smoked products
Cooked products for roasting and BBQ
Regional specialities
Salted products and meats to be worked