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At Salaisons Bentz, our desire to satisfy our customers has always been to anticipate. This is why the questions posed today by Corporate Social Responsibility (ISO 26000) were imposed on us very early on. True to our values, we are actively committed to a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach:

Product commitments

We work our products with the minimum of additives while taking into account the recommendations of scientific reference organisations and the requirements of the market in terms of shelf life. We ensure sustainable ethics throughout our production chain, from product composition with a focus on organoleptic aspects, to the establishment of commercial relationships and the optimisation of manufacturing processes.

Customer satisfaction

Nothing makes us happier than when people tell us: "This reminds me of the products and flavours of my childhood". It is in this spirit that we put all our requirements and our passion into our work.

Employee welfare and safety - human rights

Salaisons Bentz is managed in full compliance with the terms of the International Labour Organisation's Declaration. In order to ensure the well-being of our employees, we have worked hard on the ergonomics of our workstations. We value the know-how of the older employees through mentoring, enabling the younger ones to improve their skills.

Integration into the local fabric

We have been involved for more than 20 years in the local sector, which is now called Interporc Grand Est, and almost all of our products feature Viande du Terroir Grand Est. For a long time, we were the only EC-approved company to have signed a commitment with this sector and to be controlled as such. All our products come from pigs born, raised, slaughtered, cut up and processed in France (VPF). Because partnerships, sharing and collaboration enrich us all, Jean-François Antoine is involved in the local economic and educational fabric. He is a founding member of the regional brand La Lorraine Notre Signature.


Salaisons Bentz is strongly committed to passing on the Lorraine know-how inherited from the Bentz and Antoine families. This living technological know-how is also based on a scientific knowledge of the transformation processes. It is passed on through long apprenticeships and does not remain locked up in machines.

Commercial fairness

We are committed to ensuring stable, healthy and sustainable business relationships based on balance and trust. We ensure that the values and requirements of our partners are shared with our own. The development or improvement of our products is mostly done in collaboration with our expert customers. In response to new consumer trends, we are currently experimenting with new ways of marketing with partner customers.


We are 100% powered by electricity. We also keep a close eye on all the recycling possibilities available to us. This starts with the most careful sorting of waste possible. We separate carton, oil, metals, electrical materials, electronic materials, glass, batteries and, more recently, plastics for better recycling. Very early on, we eliminated the chlorides present in packaging plastics and reduced their weight. We deliver to as many customers as possible with our van equipped with shelves, in order to use as little carton as possible.